Mountain compost

Countertop Container

Make composting clean and easy with a countertop container for food scraps collection.  These 1.3 gallon containers are made from 50% recycled plastic and are easy to clean.

CoCo Coir with Perlite

Fluff up your soil with this mix of coconut husk and perlite to help air flow and moisture retention.  This product is repurposed from an industrial cannabis operation.  Contact us for volume recommendations and orders larger than 5 cubic yards.  Delivery is available or contact us to schedule a pick-up time.  Please allow 1-2 weeks for bulk order fulfillment.

Bagged Compost

5-gallon bags (~25 lbs) of compost are available for purchase year-round.  Great for backyard gardening, house plants, lawns and more.  One bag covers 5-10 square feet of garden space and should be applied annually in spring or fall.

Delivery is available or contact us to schedule a pickup time.  Please allow 5-10 days for order fulfillment.

Check out our new Compost Shop

Soils, household composting supplies and more are available in our new shop here:


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Composting Services, Supplies & Products

Bulk Compost

Compost by the cubic yard is available for purchase year-round.  Great for gardening, house plants, lawns and more.  One cubic yard covers 100 - 200 square feet of existing garden space and should be applied annually in spring or fall.  For new raised beds, we recommend a 50/50 Compost/Topsoil mix.  Contact us for volume recommendations, top soil availability and orders larger than 5 cubic yards.

Delivery is available or contact us to schedule a pick-up time.  Please allow 1-2 weeks for bulk order fulfillment.